Bryan Hyland

Developer for the Masses


Unity3D Projects

This was a game for a one day game jam that another programmer and I participated in. My contributions were the character controller, enemy AI, damage to enemies, platform AI, cannon functionality, checkpoint system, UI, win/loss state, character damage, camera controller, player animation controller, player heal on reset, and audio programming.

I also did the level design and object placement. I have gotten permission from the other programmer to continue development on this game, so it's still in slow progress. It's best played with an XBox controller and if you'd like to play it you can download and install it from here:
Thirty Seconds - Windows

Clean Your Room is a converted project that I started in Unreal Engine 4. I decided to convert it over because it seemed the features Unity had were more suited for this type of project. Its target audience are children ages 3 - 11, but it's also fun to play for adults! I mean, who doesn't like a good explosion and gold stars?!?
This is a pet project of mine because it's mainly being developed for my 6 (almost 7) year old daughter, and she's enjoyed testing it for me its entire lifetime of development. It can be played either with a mouse/keyboard or Xbox controller. The feature that allows this is a system that auto detects if you have an Xbox controller connected to your computer. If it detects one, it defaults to the controller. Otherwise, the controls are the mouse/keyboard scheme.

Other interesting features this game has are as follows:
- Camera system that detects player to wall distance, making the wall transparent when the camera side of the player is at a certain distance.
- Pickup inheritance: Both types of pickups come from a base pickup class that is then inherited by any other pickup objects; adding their special features.
- Exploding Pickups: When exploding pickups explode they scatter a random number of new basic pickups across the floor. These new basic pickups are then added into the achievement system calculation on how many are needed to reach the next achievement.
- Achievement System: This is created to populate the star UI as the player collects pickups. If an achievement is earned it isn't taken away just because a recalculation due an exploded pickup.
Download and play it here:
Clean Your Room - Windows

This is a recreation of a level from one of my favorite games of all time, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. I got lucky and was able to recreate this part of the game as my Minor Project at the Academy of Interactive Entertainment. One of my additions was to be able to have point and click controls like the original game, or you can choose to use the keyboard for movement. This is done using a singleton pattern for a toggle that is clicked in the main menu. I created player controllers, dialog system, inventory system, animation controller (not the animations), UI, and audio controller. Follow the link to play the game Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis - Recreated (Windows)